& Locksmith

WLW group – your reliable partner

Assembly, construction and maintenance of technological equipment. Our company offers complete services in supply and assembly of industrial plants, pipelines and steel structures. We are proud owners of ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate. WLW stands for “Welding and Locksmith Works”. Our workers are certified professionals with wide range of experience in their fields.

We have completed assembly projects for clients in various industrial fields in many countries of the world. In our reference list you can find works for automotive, food, petrochemical or paper industry and many more. Challenging projects are the source of our experience in welding and assembly works and the guarantee of high quality work performance for your upcoming projects.


Our history is bound to company MARKMONT established in 1996 in Komárno, Slovakia. As their successor in 2004 WLW group has continuously taken over their projects. For two decades we are a strong and reliable partner for projects in various industrial fields.


Our goal is to provide welding and locksmith services at the highest quality level for maximum comfort of our clients. The company’s goodwill is a satisfaction for each one of us.


We strive for excellence and want to be internationally renowned for quality of work and professional approach. Our management is setting goals for the future growth in compliance with the highest quality and ecological standards.

Našou snahou je udržať a vylepšiť pozíciu spoločnosti na trhu s ohľadom na maximálnu spokojnosť zákazníkov.

Members of WLW GROUP


WLW group, s.r.o., Novozámocká cesta 2/3862, 945 01 Komárno
Branch Office: Prievozská 4/B, 821 09 Bratislava


Prepared branch in Györ


WLW Industrial Services
Prepared branch in Munich